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Case study: Jack

Jack tells us all about his work experience placement, the skills he learnt, and how the experience has helped to set him up for the working world.

When did you do your work experience placement and for how long?

I completed my weeklong work experience placement last year where I learnt company values and what is expected of a Moat team member. 

What department did you do your work experience placement with?

I did my work experience with the Customer Services team who were very welcoming and friendly. They made me feel part of the team which was key to my initial understanding and development.

Why did you choose to work in that department?

I chose to work within the Customer Services team as it gave me an insight into every department of the business and their roles within the organisation. I think this really supported my learning and understanding of the work Moat do.

Tell us a bit about your placement, what you got up to whilst you were here and what you learnt.

In the short time that I was at Moat, I learnt the communication skills that helped me to talk to customers confidently and effectively and I learnt how to be pro-active with my solutions. I also learnt that the Customer Services team works so well because they invite challenge and set high achieving goals for each other that maintains their drive to do their best for the customer. I was lucky enough to listen in on calls and even take one myself which really built my confidence.

What did you enjoy most about your work experience at Moat?

The teamwork and close friendships within the team which created a brilliant work environment for anyone to thrive in. 

What do you feel are the benefits of doing a work experience placement?

You have the chance to gain key skills at a young age as there is so much experience and learning opportunities around you. It can really help give you a head start when joining a workplace for the first time.

How did your work experience placement prepare you for working at Moat full time?

Work experience prepared me for full time work as I already knew what was expected of me in the workplace. The transferable skills that I learnt helped me to take on different roles across the business and feel confident in the work I am producing for my team.

What advice would you give to someone considering a work experience placement at Moat?

You should just go for it! The transferable skills and communication skills you will learn is unmatched and so valuable. The skill set that you’ll learn will look brilliant on your CV and will be fantastic for your personal development and growth.