
Our strategy

Our 2023 - 2028 strategy sets out our commitment to becoming a customer pioneer, genuinely working with our customers to drive services and standards.

Our passion lies in the transformative effect that great homes and services have on the lives of the families and individuals we home; recognising that not all customers have the same needs. The primary focus of our new five-year corporate strategy is to be a customer pioneer; genuinely working with our customers to drive services and standards.

Our strategy is built around three key priorities:

Great customer experience

Our customers will experience a landlord who is a customer pioneer. Making it easier and faster to access services, in a way that suits them and feels inclusive, warm, and helpful, and tailored around their needs.

Pride in homes and places

Our customers will feel proud to live in our good quality, safe, homes and places. We will reduce the environmental impact of our existing homes which will help customers with their running costs. 

Growth in new homes and communities

Customers want to stay with us because we truly make a difference by building attractive, safe, and sustainable homes in desirable surroundings. We create communities where people want to live and create foundations for their future. 

Making it happen

Enabling these three priorities is a fourth:

That the three priorities are developed in a well-governed, financially robust way and supported by the right people, systems and data.