
Privacy statement

At Moat, we are committed to protecting and respecting any personal data you and your family share with us.

At Moat, we are committed to protecting and respecting any personal data you, your family or any visitors to your property share with us. The wording in this document reflects the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UKGDPR) and the Data Protection Act, which ensure we, and others, use your information appropriately.

We use the name ‘Moat’ to encompass Moat Homes Limited and all of its subsidiary companies. However, generally, when you share information with Moat, for example via our website, on the telephone or by submitting paper forms or applications, your data is processed by Moat Homes Limited as the data controller. Moat Homes Limited is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under registration number Z7412234.   

Moat Foundation is the charitable arm of Moat Homes Limited. Information captured by the Moat Foundation team is processed in accordance with this privacy policy and controlled and stored by Moat Homes Limited. 

Moat Housing Group is a registered provider and subsidiary of Moat Homes Limited. Moat Housing Group is registered as a data controller with the ICO with registered number Z8157784 in order to process information relating to historic and ongoing equity loan holders and a small number of properties. Information captured by Moat Housing Group is processed in accordance with this privacy policy and controlled and stored by Moat Homes Limited. 

As a charitable organisation, we will process data in line with our objects for the benefit of the communities we serve, for providing and managing social housing and providing assistance to help house people within our communities.

We are responsible for making decisions about the way your information is used and this statement describes what types of data we collect from you, how we use it, how we share it with others, how you can manage the data we hold and how you can contact us.

We will always give you the option not to receive marketing communications from us. We will never send you unsolicited ‘junk’ email or communications, or share your data with anyone else who might. We do not sell your data to third parties, but we do work closely with contractors and partner organisations in order to provide and improve our services and to help us to meet our legal obligations and provide a fair and equitable service for all our customers.

This version of our Privacy Statement comes into effect on 1 July 2024 and is available on our website, moat.co.uk. The contents of this statement may change from time to time, so you may wish to check the statement on our website to ensure you remain informed. When there is a significant change we will contact you directly to notify you.

How we use your information

For the purpose of supplying the services of the website for yourself and future visitors we need to collect some information from you. This is done via cookies (as you traverse the site) and http headers (when you login) where the data resides in your local storage.


Cookie example name EXAMPLE Value
ARRAffinitySameSite 754389574389543F.3.3.3
ARRAffinity 754389574389543F.3.3.3

Local Storage

Key example name EXAMPLE Value
Access_token -5amWvrxeasdsgOLrjqlvRve4-ia-6oN
expires_at 1525431609184
id_token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5VSkVNek01TlRFNVFUTTRPVFiYjkwMDUyNDZlMGYwYTEl4TWtFd1JFWkdSVEF3UTBaR01qZEVNakkzT0RFM05qSTNRZyJ9.eyJodHRwczovL21vYXQuY28udWsvY29udGFjdElkIjoiNTFmM2JjMmUtY2Y5Mi1lNTExLTgwY2YtMDA1MDU2YTUyNmI3IiwiaHR0cHM6Ly9tb2F0LmNvLnVrL3JvbGVzIjpbIm15bW9hdC11c2VyIl0sImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbW9hdC5ldS5hdXRoMC5jb20vIiwic3ViIjoiYXV0aDB8NWQxZjE0MTQ1IiwiYXVkIjoiazN1WTNTYk1RdFFZc0F2NVdXTGE4OVYwdmFxMXdUODEiLCJpYXQiOjE1MjU0MjQ0MDUsImV4cCI6MTUyNTQ2MDQwNSwiYXRfaGFzaCI6IlR0aWwtOXNNaTBNSzVFbVktWVRtYWciLCJub25jZSI6Ik5hNlBsQ1hkQkY4aUtESEVQNTQuWDlTNmFqUDdPMDB1In0.aA3GgApmgV6FWPPdhGIfEBjGmZX-cF_aIhr-BteLIk4XKVwawXKV13JlNzf8SjIRpnVG5Hh_bhfYQm1Z4Q0EEQvsn9A9Jn4lzOzS2nkxCZRrOIL9pee9EZ0WyUO5BAAmG9q_aiUuz7F9-kullf9-neVfoDgsP0vjFusJcpXAc7FwkLKhR80IeGzYrbdeAbuDBCPPpOzBbyUI_OQ8hkNtovwO4gVbWMumt7_JdwTryDwk6HL8iZLsdVbyj40jULZpAnDI3NLctEYV3Dq9xbv4_DsF_fxtp96Dr8xr_bTJlwdFfvh8XVzZEmlAlr7YzsNyHCNs7YRvq2Ic4JNVVQ
moat {"cookies":"approved"}


The information contained in the data transmitted to Moat is required for the provision of services now and in the future. It is pseudonymised and has no value on its own. We only use third party cookies for analytical purposes, such as Google Analytics, to help improve the usage of our site and for Twitter feeds. You can opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites.