You, or someone on your behalf, can contact us using any of the ways listed below.
MyMoat is the quickest and easiest way for you to contact us. You can also pay your rent at any time of day, report repairs and more. Just log in to your MyMoat account
Want to find out more about MyMoat, its features, and how to use them? Head over to the MyMoat page for more information.
Save travel, postage and emails by using our web chat to speak to us online between 8am and 5pm. Use the blue chat link on the bottom right hand side to type in your details and hit the submit button to begin the conversation.
[email protected] (General enquiries)
[email protected] (Stanhope only)
[email protected] (Anti-social behaviour reporting only)
[email protected] (Tenancy fraud reporting only)
[email protected] (MP and Councillor enquiries)
[email protected] (Press and media enquiries)
You can contact us between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
0300 323 0011 (General enquiries)
01233 647 396 (Ashford Borough Council tenants at Stanhope only)
0300 323 0186 (Tenancy fraud hotline)
If you live in a new-build Moat property at Stanhope, please call our general enquiries line.
Text us on 07786 202 505
You can also visit us in person at our central office in Dartford or our regional offices.
We believe in the power of listening to our customers. Your feedback is highly encouraged and deeply appreciated. Whether you have suggestions, concerns, or compliments to share, our dedicated team is ready to engage with you.
Click here to tell us what you thinkWe’re committed to providing you, our customers, with the best possible services by taking into account your diverse needs in the design and delivery of our services and communications.
To ensure that our services, facilities, complaints process and opportunities for customer engagement and influence are accessible and inclusive, we’ll provide the following where needed:
We’ll also ensure that our office reception areas and any rooms used for meetings that include customers are accessible for disabled people / people with disabilities including wheelchair users, and that they have working hearing loops (sometimes also called audio induction loops).
If you need us to provide you with anything in an alternative format or need us to arrange an interpreter, you (or someone making the request on your behalf) can ask us to do this using any of the contact details above. To give us the best chance of being able to arrange this in time, please give us as much notice as possible.