
Scrutiny Projects

We believe your voice matters

At Moat we're dedicated to working with you, our customers, to improve our services and standards through a process called scrutiny.

What is scrutiny?

Scrutiny is a way for you to review and influence our services. It involves panels of customers like you, sometimes alongside Moat staff, examining how well we're meeting your needs and suggesting improvements.


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How does scrutiny benefit you?
  • Your feedback helps us improve our services to better meet your needs.

  • It ensures we're accountable for delivering what we promise.

  • It gives you a stronger voice in shaping our services.

  • It allows us to work together to achieve better results for all residents.
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Our flexible approach

We've partnered with TPAS, tenant engagement experts, to develop our scrutiny process. Together, we've introduced different ways to participate, making it easier for more customers to get involved:

  1. 'Bootcamp' scrutiny: A one-day workshop focused on a specific topic.
  2. 'Task and finish groups': A series of meetings over a few weeks or months, tackling a particular issue.
  3. 'Traditional' scrutiny: A more in-depth process involving a core panel and subgroups, examining complex topics over a longer period.

We choose the most appropriate method based on the topic's complexity, urgency, and the level of customer involvement needed.

TPAS Principles

Our scrutiny model follows TPAS's five key principles:

  • Independence
  • Inclusivity
  • Positivity
  • Constructiveness
  • Purpose

These principles ensure that our scrutiny process is fair, effective, and truly customer led.

Find out more
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Recent scrutiny projects and recommendations

Your input through our scrutiny projects is already leading to real changes. We're committed to continuing this process, ensuring that your voice shapes our services. `

Here's how your feedback is improving our services so far:

What's next?
  • November - December 2024: Our gas management process

  • Since October 2024: Our new customer-led Impact and Action Group have been overseeing Moat's performance and are currently deciding which areas to scrutinise. This ensures our scrutiny program is truly led by you, our customers.

Find out more about the Impact and Action group here.

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Want to get involved?

We’d love you to get involved with our future projects - your participation can lead to more positive changes for all Moat customers.

If you'd like to share your experiences and help improve our services, please contact us:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0300 323 0011 (Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm)

Join us in shaping the future of Moat's services. Your input can make a real difference!