

Sub-letting your home as a shared owner is only allowed in exceptional circumstances.

If you sub-let your home without written agreement from us then you are in breach of your lease, and we will take action against you to terminate the sub-let.

Requests will be considered on a case by case basis and any agreement will be subject to a number of conditions. We will require written evidence of any exception. If permission is granted there will be a number of requirements and we reserve the right to withdraw our permission at any time. The agreement will be for a maximum period of twelve months. 

You are able to take in a paying guest or lodger providing you are still living in the property as your main home. You will need to let us know if you intend to do this and should also inform your mortgage lender, insurance companies, your local tax office and your managing agent.

Need more information?

Take a look at our Homeowner's Handbook or contact [email protected].