
Transferring your lease

Everything you need to know about transferring your lease as a shared owner can be found below.

Remove someone from your lease

If you want to remove someone from the lease, we will need you to provide us with a copy of certified identification for that person. We will also need your mortgage lender to provide written consent and a copy of the new mortgage offer (if applicable), plus a redemption statement. You can download the application form here.

Add someone to your lease

If you wish to add someone to the lease, we will need copy of certified identification for that person, a copy of the new mortgage offer in joint names and a redemption statement from your current lender.  We have no objections to you borrowing extra money on your mortgage to buy out your partner’s share, but we will need written confirmation from your solicitor that the additional borrowing is solely for this purpose. You can download the application form here.

Need more information? Take a look at our Homeowner's Handbook or contact postsales@moat.co.uk.