
Extending your lease

Everything you need to know about extending your lease as a leaseholder can be found below.

Your lease is a legal contract between us and you and sets out the rights and responsibilities for both parties. Original leases will be for either 99 or 125 years, but if a lease has been assigned to you from another leaseholder, then you take over the number of years remaining when you purchase the property. 

As your lease gets shorter the value of your lease decreases and this can affect the value of your home. This may cause issues when you re-mortgage as lenders are reluctant to lend on a lease with less than 80 years remaining.  

We have a voluntary lease extension process available to all of our Leaseholders. As a leaseholder of a flat you have the right to be granted a new lease in which the term of the existing lease will be extended. We have our own internal procedure which simplifies this process. You will need to complete our lease extension application form, or we can send or email this out to you. You will need to pay an administration fee and we will arrange for a specialist independent valuer to visit your home.

Where applicable, your lease will be extended up to a maximum of 990 years and ground rent will become peppercorn (£0.00 ground rent). To find out more about lease extensions, please email postsales@moat.co.uk.

Need more information? Take a look at the Leaseholder section of our Homeowner's Handbook.