We're committed to acting on your feedback: We’ve launched our new Customer Influence Strategy which sets out how we'll listen to, learn from, and act on our customers' feedback. Developed with the help of TPAS and co-created with customers, this strategy ensures your voice directly shapes our services, allowing us to work together to create a better Moat for everyone.
Shaping our repairs service together: We understand how important it is to you to have a reliable and efficient repairs service. In the coming months, we'll be seeking feedback from all of our customers through surveys, forums, and other channels to understand your needs better. Your input will play a crucial role in helping us select our next repairs and maintenance partner and make sure the new service works well for you. We’re also working closely with our customer-led Repairs Forum to shape and improve this service.
More ways to share your voice: We know you’re the expert when it comes to living in your home and community. That’s why we’re providing more chances for you to influence how we deliver the services you receive. As well as our existing group of Customer Advocates, our new Impact and Action Group will have a direct link to our Board and senior management, meeting regularly to oversee customer insights. Our Scrutiny Panel will share their lived experiences and provide recommendations on specific service areas through one-day workshops or longer projects. Help us make our communications crystal clear by joining our Editorial Review Team. Or, if you’re keen to have your say on our repairs or estate services, you can join our new Repairs Procurement Sounding Board or Estate Services Forum.
Putting bad service right: We send a text survey to every customer who contacts us through our Customer Service Centre, asking them to rate the service they received. We've reached out to all customers who scored a 1 or 2 (dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) to try and resolve any issues they may have.
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